Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Day in The Life of The Infamous Pink Cup

Audrey has always gone through phases of being obsessed with certain small objects. When she was 9 months old it was a packet of buttons (she couldn't open it). When she was 12 months old it was a stuffed bear. 2 months ago it was my collapsible measuring cups. And there have been others that I can't remember now. Usually she latches onto the object and carries it everywhere for a few days before losing interest. But this time she has decided to hold onto her object for a bit longer. This pink cup has been everywhere with us the last few weeks. And I mean EVERYWHERE. To give you an idea of what this looks like, here's an example of "in the day of the life of Audrey's cup."

8am: Morning nursies, interrupted by the camera phone

8:30 am: Looking at Daddy's Valentine's Day gift (52 Reasons I Love You) while waiting for breakfast

9:20 am: Playing with the IKEA train

10 am: Walmart run (note: my ring sling is not on correctly. The rings should be much higher up towards my shoulder)

11 am: Fun with friends at an API playgroup

12 pm: Washing hands before lunch

12:10 pm: Daydreaming about chocolate instead of this awful yogurt and sandwich

12:30 pm Coloring with a pencil at my special table

1 pm: Nursing before nap while making Mommy bite the cup

3 pm: Directing Mommy how to dress up the potato head

3:30 pm: Fingerpainting

3:36: Hand painting?

4 pm: Afternoon meltdown because Mommy won't let me bang on the computer keyboard

4:01 pm: Mad at Mommy for taking pictures

4:30 pm: Relaxing on the toy-strewn floor

5 pm: Staring suspiciously at dinner

5:03 pm: Thinking about trying a bite of this "cheesy spaghetti" stuff

5:04 pm: Mmmm!!! I guess it's ok...

6:30 pm: Horsie ride on Mommy's back

7 pm: Bath with Mommy. Pink cup in the right hand, bath toy in the left

7:04 pm: Scooping and pouring water 500 times in a row

8 pm: My favorite way to fall asleep! In the toddler tula carrier

8:30 pm: Passed out in bed. Goodnight!