Thursday, February 15, 2018

"What Do You Do All Day???" In 30 Pictures

7:13 am: Hope the baby will fall back asleep after nursing

7:38 am: No such luck. Time for Plan B - Coffee and Facebook

7:47 am: Making breakfast while Audrey tells me about her crazy dream
(it was funny, but I can't remember it now)

8:28 am: Making beaded jewelry
(not pictured-trying to get the dog to wear a necklace)

8:32 am: Deidre gets into the art supplies

8:45 am: The bane of my existence

9:12: Audrey getting in the way helping me bring the laundry downstairs

9:14 am: Deidre immediately wants in the laundry basket too and tries to shove Audrey out

9:17 am: Toddler Tantrum Instant Fix #1
(Bonus points if you knew right away what Deidre is doing)

9:47 am:  Toddler Tantrum Instant Fix #2

10:30 am: Dog Tantrum Instant Fix

11:20 am: Mom Mini Nap

12:08: Lunch tastes better if you try to climb on it

12:12: She ate all my tomatoes...

12:49 pm: The love of Audrey's life

12:57 pm: Sleepy snuggles and Netflix

2:41 pm: Story time

2:42 pm: Read it again

2:48 pm: Book #8

2:49 pm: Quite the character

3:00 pm: Legos

3:00 pm: Homeschool

3:30 pm: Snack

3:45 pm: Clean Laundry Ride

4:05 pm: Helping me make Audrey's bed 
(Bonus points if you can decipher our sleeping arrangements. Hint: there are actually 3 beds.)

4:12 pm: Milk is better when you can wiggle your butt in the air

4:32 pm: You've never really lived until you've worn a baby while cooking. 
It's hard to tell but she's in a ring sling.

4:39 pm: Instant Pot meatloaf and mashed potatoes 

5:01 pm: Dancing Queen

In case you didn't notice, there are some gaps in my day. I've blacked out any memory of that time, but I assume the following took place: changing diapers, letting the dog out to potty, getting everyone dressed, putting snow gear on everyone, cleaning up after meals, picking up toys, multiple conversations with Audrey, a few other homeschool activities, switching over the laundry, putting away the laundry, and the rest of the day after Ryan got home from work. I was tired of taking pictures figured you had seen enough.

"A-a-aye, I'm on vacation
Every single day 'cause I love my occupation"